Dylan Zemlin

Hi! I'm Dylan, a software engineer and student at the University of Oklahoma. As a software engineer, I have worked for the K20 Center and as a freelance developer over the last 6 years.


Operation Elect

August 2023 - Present

K20 CenterK20

Norman, OK

As a Student Programmer at the K20 Center I led the development of Operation Elect, a strategic social studies game of politics, press, and the election process.

Operation Elect

The Danger Zone

August 2023 - May 2024

Sooner Competitive RobotsSCR

Rochester, MI

As the team captain and software lead, I led the development of the Danger Zone, a robot designed to compete at the IGVC 2024 competition. The Danger Zone achieved first place in the AutoNav challenge as well as first overall in the Grand Award. It was designed from the ground up to be fully autonomous, using a combination of sensors and computer vision to navigate the course.

The Danger Zone at competition


March 2023

Hacklahoma 2024

Norman, OK

Participating in a team of 3 other engineers in a 24 hour Hackathon, we created Rosie, a virtual assistant that is displayed on an oscilloscope. Rosie's brain is powered by my home desktop that runs a voice to text service and is connected via a custom relay service that ran on a Digital Ocean droplet. Rosie talks by generating responses using ChatGPT which gets sent to a text to voice service and played over a speaker, while also displaying facial expressions on the oscilloscope. Rosie was awarded 1st place in the Hacklahoma 2024 competition.

The Weeb Wagon

August 2022 - May 2023

Sooner Competitive RobotsSCR

Rochester, MI

As the software lead, I led the software team of the Weeb Wagon, a robot designed to compete at the IGVC 2023 competition. The Weeb Wagon achieved first place in the AutoNav challenge as well as first overall in the Grand Award.

The Weeb Wagon at competition

SCR Website

August 2022 - Present

Sooner Competitive RobotsSCR

Norman, OK

As the teams primary web developer, I designed and developed the Sooner Competitive Robots website. The website is built using Astro and is hosted on Vercel.

SCR Website